FU interviewed super
image maker Jay-D-Will who talked exhibitions, photoshoots and how a Busta Rhymes CD cover inspired him.
How long have you been doing photography?It's been about nine years now. Before that I was into music production, fine art painting and illustration / graphic design.
What made you wanna start doing photography?
It all started when I bought Busta Rhymes first album "The Coming" in 1996, the photography was dark but inspiring, I believe the photographer behind the work was Dean Karr... Similarly Nas’s "It Was Written" album cover and old Source magazines also played a part. But what really sparked the flame for me was when I first entered a darkroom and learnt how to process a negative and develop a picture. The darkroom captured my heart and has never let me go since, and that was in 1998.
Have you done any big projects or had any of your work published? 
My work was exhibited in conjunction with my university, at the 2007 Free Range student exhibition in Brick Lane, and I had some work published in Touch Magazines July 07 issue. I also did a shoot with Stylist/Fashion Designer Denise Brown for her clothing launch "Don't Judge Me"... Ladies need check her out and buy her gear nuff said.
What would be your dream job?One which would help me get David LaChappelle status and beyond. I have huge ideas, but, without the funds and the means…[this makes it hard to do anything] I’m sure that will change through the will of God, if that's my destiny I guess. We’ll just have to wait and see.
When you are taking pics of people all the time don't you ever feel the urge to be on the other end of the lens too?
Not at all lol...
Have you ever had any bad photography experiences? 
Not really! I believe taking negative and making it into positive, this relates to a humbling system which I have created for myself. I feel part of success is being able work around obstacles which are placed in front of you.
Who (or what) is the worst (or hardest) thing to photograph and why?
Photographing my mother... She has a rare form of lymphoma cancer which makes her body swell up to a extreme rate. I wanted to document how she dealt with her illness; the good and the bad days and it would have been exhibited. But in the end I choose not to go through with, mainly because it's hard being the photographer behind the camera when you first reaction is to be a caring son. It is what it is I guess.
Have you ever thought of becoming paparazzi, I heard that could be quite lucrative?
Hey if all else fails, why not? Hmm.. maybe not, I think my heart is to warm for that sort of work lol. I would rather work with the famous instead of chasing or should I say hounding them for a picture!
How hard has it been for you to get noticed and get your work out there and be taken seriously as a professional photographer? 
It's been really hard to get myself noticed, but good things never come easy, all I can do is enjoy the ride with all it's high's and low's. I have a huge faith in god and I know he will provide a path way for me to get to where I need to be...
What makes you so unique/different to other photographers?
I would say possibly my eye for detail, I view the world in my own personal way, and the fun thing for me is being able to capture it with a camera.
Who/what inspires your pictures?
I watch a lot of Anime/Japananese/Korean films and am inspired by pop artist's such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Hip Hop from the 90 has also played a huge role, coupled with the culture which come with it. Music is my source of creative energy.
Do you have a favourite photographer? 
I would say British documentary Photographer Tom Stoddart and the late great American Photojournalist W.Eugene Smith
What’s next for you, any projects in the pipeline?
I’m working on some fine art pieces which I hope to get exhibited, all I can say is that it’s going to blow viewers minds away. Those who are fans of Super Heroes will love it.