17 year old Letitia Antoinette Joseph is a singer songwriter who has been working hard to get recognised in such a competitive industry. Writing from a young age Letitia has faced many obstacles while trying to pursue her dream, and where other people may have decided to 'call it day' Letitia has fought hard to prove her critics wrong.
Influenced by her surroundings, writing songs has always been a release for Letitia:
"If I'm angry or extra happy I tend to jot down my emotions so I can try and capture it in my songs" -Letitia
"If I'm angry or extra happy I tend to jot down my emotions so I can try and capture it in my songs" -Letitia
Regularly attending studio sessions and open
mic events in Luton to help her build her confidence (and contacts) Letitia is working hard and grooming herself to be the next 'big thing'.
She is also no stranger to modelling and entered her first competition when she was 11 where she even managed to get through to the finals and although she currently does not have an agent she has not let this stop her and has been working with a variety of up and coming photographers to try and build up her portfolio.
Not letting the knock backs or negative comments effect her Letitia is now stronger than ever and is determined to succeed and not let anyone stand in the way of her dream of becoming a successful Singer, Actress and Model.
Not letting the knock backs or negative comments effect her Letitia is now stronger than ever and is determined to succeed and not let anyone stand in the way of her dream of becoming a successful Singer, Actress and Model.
"If you want something you got to make it happen and that's exactly what I'm trying to do and I ain't stopping 'till I am satisfied"- Letitia
Proving she is true to her word Letitia regularly researches and attends auditions and will also be featured in a fashion show in November and is managing to juggle all of this with college 
"Some say be realistic with your thinking, I think too big. But theres nothing wrong in believing and hoping my time will come to shine" - Letitia
For more info on Letitia go to: