What’s next for you/any projects in the pipeline?
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Linda Noel
What’s next for you/any projects in the pipeline?
Beverly Marie
Since her formative years Actress Beverly Marie has been determined to reach her goal of becoming an Actress, Director and Editor. Working as a Model in her spare-time, this innovative young women was the first student in 8 years at her 6th form to receive a full mark distinction for her A level performance of Stoning Mary by Debbie Tucker Green. She also received this mark and the best music video award for her re-make of Ludacris’s video "Runaway Love, which she Directed, Filmed and Edited by herself.
As an Actress Beverly is not one to shy away from challenges, taking on demanding roles in order to grow and develop as an actress.
"I do not believe in settling for what one claims to be your best, I would definitely challenge that statement and defeat the contemporary." -Beverly Marie
Currently involved in a film project organized by HGE Model Management, in which she plays the lead character Beverly can
"It hurts me to dream, because I don’t want to dream it..I want to ACHIEVE IT! Dreaming is for delusional suckers!"-Beverly Marie
Listing her mother, Spike Lee and Edward Norton amongst others as her influences Beverly Marie is definitely a young lady, who has the attitude and drive to physically reach up and touch the stars and is unquestionably one to watch in the future.
See how Beverly got the lead role:
HGE docusoap castng
Add to My Profile | More Videos
See why she deserved that distinction:
Watch her in Early B's music video 'Think'
For more info on Beverly go to:
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Coral Lane Beach Apartments
For more information on Coral Lane Beach Apartments go to:
Midnight Butterfly
FU interviewed well travelled new model Leah a.k.a Midnight_Butterfly who is not just a pretty face. With fashion shoots, International launches and a book on the way Midnight Butterfly is soon to be a huge star. So remember the face as FU thinks we will be seeing her everywhere very soon.
What you do?
Well, Well I’m an international girl born and raised in the Caribbean, then lived in Brazil. I have lived in London for about 5 years. I work in the city as a junior property manager. It’s a great well paid job, so I’m continuing my blessings there.
I’m also an up and coming model being involved in good quality music videos, fashion shows, fashion shoots, launches, magazine spreads etc. I have a few projects underway for the end of this year and into 2008 which will be targeted for the British population, Brazil and also back home in the Caribbean. Apart from those two things, I enjoy singing, painting and am currently writing a book.
How did you get your start?
I was initially approached by an up and coming modelling agency in London, and was asked to be one of their 11 exclusive girls. After a week or so, I had other offers and interest in London and strangely enough, from the USA just from regular shots. Since then I've been networking and making friends with some of these people. You haven’t seen ANYTHING yet! So all support will be appreciated.
For my career in property, I was just fortunate enough to be offered that position when I had originally applied for something not as high up as that. The job I’ve got now is what I wanted to work and progress to, as its not an easy position to get. I’m just lucky I guess. You need to keep pushing and looking for what you want to get it. Especially in the UK where there are so many things to pull you back and discourage you.
Who are our inspirations?
Umm, that would have to be my mother. Its amazing what the wrath of a mother can do to you as a child. She gives great advice and is always there to encourage me, or say what she really thinks. She’s strong, independent, hardworking, and a great role model for me and my siblings. I’m just blessed she’s my mom and that we were all born and raised in the Caribbean.
Why are you so unique?
I'm Genuine, Friendly, Polite, Down to earth and I'm multi talented. In the fashion and entertainment industry there are zillions of great looking girls and guys, but many have a big attitude, vanity, selfishness, materialistic and all sorts. I’m not into all of that, to me, I’m just having fun and enjoying what comes my way. After a shoot or video, I'll happily go out with the girls and guys involved and grab a bite to eat and talk about the silliest things. I’m just normal.
It's not something I can really put to words...once you get to know me well, you see what I mean.
What are your future plans?
Well, I’ve got a lot on and in progress.
*Clothing line
*International launch
So much I couldn’t say. But along the way it would be nice to have people drop by and say hi or show some support.
To find out more about Midnight Butterfly or to contact her for any up and coming projects, fashion/artistic photo shoots, music videos, magazines, interviews etc go to:
http://www.myspace.com/urban__chick (with 2 underscores)
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Reeni - Britiains Next Top (5'3) Model
Nearly 2 years
Basically one day I decided to get some professional pictures done,because I wanted some really nice pictures of myself to just have and give to friends and family. Modelling didn’t even come in to my head. Then once I got them and started showing people, everyone was like....rarrhh your photos are really good why don’t you send them off to agencies and stuff. At first I was like narr don’t be silly, then I sent some out to a few [agencies] and got positive responses, so then I just went from there really.
Yeah I’m definitely a poser...not because I’m vain or anything. But ever since a really young age I’ve always loved having photos taken of me. My Mum even entered me in for cutest baby in the Hackney Gazette, for 2 years in a row (and I won both times) so that must of said something...lol
What’s the best job you’ve been on?
I'd have to say Alternative Fashion week. It was for up and coming fashion designers and I got to wear really funky clothes which I’d never really
Having to do a video which took all day and in the end it never even got aired. The song wasn’t released, the whole thing got scrapped - what a waste of time
Well modelling is part time at the minute until I get my big break (whenever that is) But during the day I work for a property company when
I don’t actually have a favourite model and there isn’t anyone that I'd aspire to be purely because I’m not your average 5'11 stick insect, which is why I’d like to open the doors for the not so tall model (as I’m only 5'3 myself)
Yeah, I’ve taken a lot of rejection and that’s purely because of my height. I get comments like 'you have such a great look but you’re too short' and it does put you down, but you've just got to carry on I guess.
The fact that I’m not your typical model, I’m not a stick insect , I’m slim with shape with all the bumps are in the right places.... I can show that short girls look good too, even if I cant reach my top kitchen cupboard lol
Who would you like to work with in the future?
I'd love to be a lead in a music video with an established artist, both over here or in the US (TI...hint hint)..or model for someone like Rocawear or Baby Phat......Or just have my face on the Dark and Lovely Relaxer Box. I’d love to be a face of a product/clothing range so you can see me everywhere...lol
Simply being the UK'S first successful 5'3 model....yayyyyyy