In the music industry it’s important to have a unique name which sets you apart from your peers and Fantom DunDeal is fully aware of this. Explaining how he got his unique name he told us:
"Me and my people's was studying what name I would move with, I thought because I am gonna do this for the love of music and the people, why not call myself FANS"

Born Arlon Griffith, this musical 23 year old was initially a reggae artist but was introduced to rapping while staying in St James [Barbados], where he found himself surrounded by people who were obsessed with Hip Hop. Influenced by this Fantom quickly became hooked and started

While at college Fantom found himself increasingly distracted by music:
"I couldn't sleep unless music was playing, eat unless music was on, I couldn't even do my school work in college unless music was on" -Fantom DunDeal

Having had numerous radio hits, including "the honour of holding the 98.1's hit of the day several times" and being number 1 on many internet music charts this determined young man is fast becoming a household name. With his debut album "Caught Up" already out worldwide success is just around the corner for Fantom DunDeal.
For more info on Fantom DunDeal go to: