FU interviewed
photographer Ellz who told us about her creative background, her inspirations and why ordinary studio settings frustrate her.
How long have you been doing photography?
I have been doing photography for about a year and a half, but I have been shooting from as young as 14.
What made you want to start doing photography?Well it has always been in my blood from a very young age as growing up in an artistic family, I was always surrounded by art and I find that the best way I express my artistic talent is though “photography”.
Have you done any big projects or had any of your work published?
Not yet although I have a lot of big ideas which I am working on. But have worked alongside underground companies/magazines and had some on my work published in their business.But hopefully soon you’ll see my work in big magazines, billboards etc...
What is the best project you've ever worked on?All projects I work on are my best; they always have a fun and creative side to them so I find all them exciting to work on.
What would be your dream job?
High fashion photography is my dream job, to further it so that my talent is seen worldwide.
When you are taking pics of people all the time don't you ever feel the urge to be on the other end of the lens too?Nah I love being the artist behind the talent... I love standing behind the lens and photographing people’s emotions, but don’t get me wrong I do have my vain days... Thank God for self timer ha-ha
Have you ever had any bad photography experiences?Hmmm not really, but I’m sure it will come…no-one’s perfect as they say.
Who (or what) is the worst (or hardest) thing to photograph and why? Children are the hardest models to photograph, they like to fidget, however they are the best with the emotions, within an hour you can capture the angry, happy and tearful side of them. Their eyes never lie.
Have you ever thought of becoming paparazzi, I heard that could be quite lucrative?I have never had that thought but loads of people tell me to consider and the pay is very tempting... But I prefer images that are staged and set up to perfection so that I capture exactly what is planned. Begin a paparazzi is hectic and it takes luck to get at descent image… It’s a bit much for me to follow the celebs, get a good images and then find a newspaper or mag to purchase the images… nah I’ll stick to my kinda photography.
How hard has it been for you to get noticed and get your work out there and be taken seriously as a professional photographer?It wasn’t very easy...getting the right, first picture out there so that people recognize talent is the toughest thing I have ever had to do. It took a lot of patience, promotion and determination just to get here… though its still not enough because my aim is to be worldwide so my work has only just begun….but thanks to everyone that has helped and promoted me :)
What makes you so unique/different to other photographers? 
I think I am different to other photographers because I know many photographers that rather shoot in studio but I have become so frustrated with ordinary studio settings and plain backdrops so I decided to push my photographs further and make my images more fun, creative and colourful.
Who/what inspires your pictures?
I am inspired by bright colours, when I see something colourful, I imagine a shoot.
Do you have a favourite photographer?I wouldn’t say I have a favourite photographer but I do admire many photographers, they all have their own unique and creative style which I find very inspirational.
What’s next for you, any projects in the pipeline?
Yes definitely I got few big projects to come out mid 2008. Can’t give away my secrets you’ll just have to look out for me he he…

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