What is your clothing label called?
Re:Phlexx Designs
Where did you get that name?
I’ve had ‘Phlexx’ as a nickname for a while and when I began customising I just simply added the ‘Re’ as with each garment I aim to redesign and recreate garments with my personal flavour.
How long have you been designing?
I’ve been customising for about a year now.
What made you want to start?
I’ve always been interested in fashion and design from a young age and customising came along as a progression.
How did you get your start i.e.did you do work experience and work your way up?
My customising developed out of a free period at college one day and a plain t-shirt in the art room.
How would you describe your clothes [that you design]?
Do you think your personal style influences your clothing line?
Yes it does I wouldn’t put out anything I didn’t like personally.
Who are your clothes aimed at?
I design for both male and females, so it’s basically anyone that feels they can relate to the style and like it.
Have you been involved in any big projects i.e. Fashion shows etc?
Not yet, however I have a fashion show lined up for November.
Who would you love to dress?
Kanye West, Pharell Williams and Justin Timberlake
Future plans/What's next for you?
The next steps are gaining more exposure and awareness developing Re:Phlexx Designs as much as possible.
For more info on Re:Phlexx designs or to view more designs, including baseballcaps go to: