How long have you been modelling for?
I have been modelling for three years.
Who/What made you want to model?
I was approached by a football club, to be the face behind them and I realised how much fun I had doing it. It made me take an interest in modelling from then really (that was three years ago and I still model for them!). Then I got into beauty pageants and I went from there. The money and lifestyle that came along with it also helped.
Have you always been one of those people who just loves to be in front of the camera (or mirror) posing?
I wouldn't say I’ve always been posey but from a very young age I did dance and drama and I enjoyed being in the spot light!!
What's the best job you've been on?
Its a toss up between modelling at the clothes show last year and modelling at a fashion show for the Wags boutique shop a few weeks ago.
What's the worst modelling experience you've had?
Just this afternoon (Sunday), when I had a meeting with a "producer", in London who offered me some amazing work for brands such as Lancôme but explained that for a model to be successful she must fulfil her role as so much more then just what you think models do. He explained that the only way to the great jobs at the top was to very closely get to know all these "important" people in the industry. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing I was absolutely horrified and all my dreams came crashing down right before my eyes because I refused his disgraceful offer. I really hope to prove him wrong by succeeding without having to do anything like that, with pure ambition and determination.
What is it like on set/shoots, there's a lot of girls, is there any bitchiness?
I genuinely haven't had a bad experience on set. Most the girls I have met have been lovely people who I have kept in contact with. There can be bitchiness, but what line of work doesn't have a bitch or two.........right?
What do you do when you're not modelling?
I'm a fully qualified fitness instructor and since modelling is what I have chosen to do fulltime, I go to the gym and look after myself when I’m not modelling because it is a very important part of my job. I do a lot of research about magazine's and fashion to help me know more about the industry I’m in.
Who is your favourite model, do you aspire to be like any model in particular?
My favourite model is, Linda Evangalista because her modelling
What type of modelling would you never do?
I would never do topless or nude. I don't think there is anything wrong with it, I personally just don't want to get into that line of work.
Most people think that being a model is an easy job, they don't realize that it's a lot of
I totally understand how much hard work it is, just Friday I left my house to get to a photo shoot at 9:15 am and didn't arrive back home till 8:30 pm because of the distance I had to travel to get there. That was a long day of hard work and if your not prepared for that your in the wrong business.
As for the rejection side of things, I've already explained about my meeting with that producer who basically said I have to sleep my way to the top or forget my modelling career so I am even more aware now of the type of criticism I may face and I’m even more determined now t o peruse my modelling further.
There's loads of girls who want to be the next top model how do you stand out?
First of all I'm half English and half Egyptian, so I definitely have my own unique look.
My look is very versatile, I can wear little make up and look good but I can also pull off big make up and look good. Look’s aside, as a person/model I am very professional and take direction and tips very well. I have a lot to offer and even more to learn so I always listen to advise.
Who would you like to work with in the future?
I would love nothing more than to work for a big perfume or cosmetic company.
What's next for you?
What's next for me, is to keep working hard on my modelling career and to do as well as I can.
For more info on Layla go to:
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